Do you like black metal and its variations, as music genre? No? Too loud and incomprehensible? Yes? Black poetry in sounds only the initiated can understand and feel? Are you even familiar with the modern black metal scene or its glorious representative veterans? We don’t want deny any black metal band’s artistic value and quality, as many of them have a lot of fans out there in the world, but today we will focus on their funny, a bit exaggerated and a bit ridiculous presence, as it was captured along the years in photo shootings or live performances.
Some black metal bands and artists go a bit over themselves when it comes to choosing outfits and attire and this is the main goal of today, presenting you with the funniest black metal artists you should know about in terms of…ridiculous looks…
Robert “Darken” Fudali a.k.a. Lord Wind
In the black metal scene, he is known as Lord Wind and his name is associated with the Polish musical project Graveland and many many others. However, Rob Darken is not only known for some neo-Nazi views and a history with some known bands, such as Infernum or Behemoth, among others, he is also known for picking up some funny (and ridiculous) outfits, a combination of medieval ages Mongolian conqueror, Jack Sparrow and a touch of Kiss.
Olve Eikemo a.k.a Abbath Doom Occulta a.k.a Abbath
You say Black Metal, we say Norway. Everybody knows that. So this guy, who happens to be lead singer and guitarist for the band Immortal, also happens to be among the funniest black metal artists you should know about, because it seems he just loves a cool photo shooting and never says “No” to one, otherwise is inexplicable the hallucinating number of mind – blowing hilarious photos he shows up in. You have to admit, the man really knows how to choose his badass outfits and make-up.
Handful Of Hate
Black metal music is full of strong feelings, like anger and hate, and when you look at these badass rockers you would never associate them with Italy, a country known for very jolly music and some opera masterpieces to enjoy at least once in a lifetime. But let’s not be led by prejudice and discrimination, Italy has quite the black metal scene and if you take a good look at this band’s members, you will understand why funny is an understatement. How mean is too mean, anyway? And how about opening a nail and chains factory after leaving the music scene?
Maniac. The guy from Mayhem
This one makes the lists of most ridiculous and funniest black metal artists you should know about for years. While not being too familiar with the genre, it’s impossible not to have heard about him or seen him somewhere. You know, back in the day, when lead vocal and lead show – man Till Lindemann from Rammstein was doing a lot of weird stuff in concerts, people were appalled and yet drawn to the brilliant freak show Rammstein pulls of in every concert. Maniac is actually an innocent child in comparison to Lindemann, as Maniac performs with chopped pig heads he sometimes licks on stage. Seriously? Have you seen a Rammstein concert? Now that is a show. What Maniac does can only be considered ridiculous, as the artistic values of the band still has to be discovered. But we said we won’t judge, so let’s move on…
From Romania with love, the country that made Dracula to become a universal cultural reference and a place of incredible beauty. And an incredible active black metal scene, as you can see from the picture. Don’t get us wrong, most black metal bands sing in English, and a few performing in their native language are not bad at all, but these guys deserve to be mentioned among the funniest black metal artists you should know about, not because they came up with a gorgeously profound and crazy name – combining Satan with Pinocchio go figure, – but because they look the way they do and the way they describe themselves – evil black metal. You can hear the laughter from Norway shattering windows all over Europe.
Luckily, the Internet is full of similar lists of funniest black metal artists you should know about, and you should really spend some time amusing yourself. Hey, maybe some actually sound good and you get to discover a new band to listen. Who knows?