Ah, the mysterious street artist Trustocorp and his humorous street signs all over the U.S. I guess we’ve seen it before. But we just can’t help it; now this artist has invaded California and done some new and fun projects in Hollywood. It’s worth another look.
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Animals hanging from bridge to rise global warming awareness
Under the Millennium Bridge in London there have been spotted two glass penguins and a stuffed polar bear hanging with ropes around their necks. The whole idea of doing so is to make people more aware of the global climate change that the earth is going through.
Don’t mess with milk farmers
Tons of milk being spilled on the streets could be seen outside the European Headquarters in Brussel on October 5, 2009. This was the result of a demonstration milk farmers from various European countries held against falling milk prices. The farmers are mostly from Germany, France and Belgium. During the protest a milk farmer sprayed the police with milk directly from a cows udder.