These nature-inspired installations are part of the project called “Art of the Sky” led by environmental artist and photographer Daniel Dancer. The art creations are only making sense when seen from the sky, and they are simply made by using people and latex paint.
15 Things You Should Know About Caffeine
The people from Homeowner’s Insurance sent us this info-graphic that represents 15 things you should know about caffeine. It is fun facts whether you’re a coffee drinker or not.
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Animals hanging from bridge to rise global warming awareness
Under the Millennium Bridge in London there have been spotted two glass penguins and a stuffed polar bear hanging with ropes around their necks. The whole idea of doing so is to make people more aware of the global climate change that the earth is going through.
Green graffiti giving Brooklyn an eco friendly look
Artist Edina Tokodi is giving street art a whole new twist. She is using green grass to make animal “graffiti” on the streets of Brooklyn. The meaning with her art is to make a more familiar, environmentally friendly state, and to give Brooklyn an overall healthy look.
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