Here are my 6+1 reasons to own a cat. Getting a pet is a controversial subject for many young adults nowadays, especially if their living conditions are far from being stable. Animals are indeed very giving, loving and non-judgemental creatures. However, they require some of our time and attention, not to mention a somewhat cheap, yet constant part of our income. I am a dog person, and I’ll remain one for as long as I live. But circumstances beyond my control forced me to end up taking care of a cat. Life is ironic, indeed! Here are the things it taught me while being my constant silent neighbour.
1. Cats are silent, yet wise confidents
Cats seem to know all the answers, even though they are lousy at sharing their knowledge with their owners. But despite dogs, who are all over you all the time, a cat is a silent and mature listener. It can always feel your anxieties, have no doubt about that, but just like humans, they have different and personal ways of reacting to them. Don’t take it personally if they go to the other room whenever you are sad or angry, it’s just their way of letting you know you definitely need some time alone to cool down and realise you are miserable out of useless reasons. Or they just might feel endangered by your hysterical mood. Keep calm and confide in the cat.
2. Cats love plants
No one is more aware of your house and garden plants more than your cat is. Because they are so skilful jumpers, the only way to keep your cat away from your plants is to lock the cat up rather than the plants. Nevertheless if your cat is one of the passive plant destroyers, consider yourself lucky. They just love to blend in with any kind of flowers and eat most of their leaves. As a young adult however, one has less time to think about taking care of houseplants. That’s why your cat is always there to remind you of their existence, of their needing to be cut, watered, or cleaned. It would do all these things for you if it could. Unfortunately their claws are not always the best gardening tool.
3. Cats are the best bug spray on the market
There’s no such thing as a house without strange, tiny and sometimes disgusting predators. Ignoring the fact that mice might belong to this category in anyone’s case, I’d like to underline the fact that cats excel in other catching domains as well. Hopefully since you don’t have mice to worry about in your home, I’m pleased to inform you that a cat is capable of catching any other flying or crawling visitor. Their patience and velocity are extra-terrestrial. Not to mention the fact that a fly is better than any toy you can find at the pet shop. So leave your windows open from time to time; such a victory would boost your cat’s self-esteem and offer you a priceless performance.
4. Cats are the best therapists
In The Cat Behavior Answer Book (Storey Publishing, 2007), author Arden Moore talks about the power of purring. Apparently cats create purr vibrations within a range known to be medically therapeutic (25-150 Hz). This frequency is therapeutic for things such as: boosting self-esteem, bone growth and healing, pain relief, swelling reduction, wound healing, muscle growth and repair, tendon repair, joint mobility and dyspnea (shortness of breath) relief. You can read more on purring here.
5. Cats absorb and clean bad energies from your home
Cats are very sensitive to their environment. And they perceive more about it than we do. It is said that they can sense and distinguish between positive and negative energies, also known as Yin and Yang in Chinese tradition. Yin is the receptive, feminine, cooler, negative energy and Yang is the positive, hot, projective energy. So when a cat goes to a certain regular spot to sleep in your house, they are actually absorbing the negative energy from that spot. You can read more on this subject here.
6. Cats are the best “say no to addiction” tools
Cats are strangely drawn to our laptops or computers. Whenever this heating machine with buttons takes more of your attention than it considers necessary, any sane cat will just brutally step on you, head towards your device and start resting on the keyboard, thus making sure to hit the exact button that makes all your 6-hour work vanish into thin air. The good thing about this typical cat deed is the fact that you’ll never get hooked on Facebook or Twitter more than necessary. A cat is a “say no to addiction” tool, as it can unconditionally warn you about any bad habit you may have, even if this involves eating too much (it will start bugging you right away, and trust me, not out of sheer curiosity), smoking too much (a wise cat will always decide to rest in your lap looking for affection at the exact moment when you have your lighter in one hand and the cigarette in the other), and last but not least, it bears down any cleaning obsessions you may have, no matter if this passion of yours involves the broom, the mop or a plain dusting around the house. On the other hand, when it comes to the vacuum cleaner, it instantly vanishes, reminding you of the times before the two of you became faithful neighbours.
6+1. To be considered by the ones who are not so fond of their couch
A cat will teach you how to let go. Let go of the things you worked so hard to buy, more expensive things such as couches or carpets. Not all of them are unstoppable destroyers, but all of them seem to have reluctance towards all the nail sharpening tools you may get them from pet shops. A couch will always be the best option. Instead of losing your mind, allow your cat to teach you more about what matters in life, about the importance of cuddling, catching flies, mice or birds. It has to edge its nails somewhere!
In a nutshell, get a cat as soon as possible. Ignore the fact that it will always consider you its slave and enjoy this fruitful experience that will always bring laughter on your face in times of need.