You ever been so hungry you deep-fried your laptop? No? Well, that’s what Brooklyn-based New Zealand still life, art and fashion photographer Henry Hargreaves seems to have done, as you can see below. Inspired by an experiment in which electronic products were cooked and eaten (that experiment didn’t go very well), Hargreaves has deep-fried a whole assortment of gizmos, from MacBooks to iPods, iPads to headphones, and photographed them.
“I like to play with food and the juxtaposition of different worlds,” Hargreaves told the Huffington Post. “Also I see similarities between tech culture and fast food. Quickly devoured and then discarded.” But Hargreaves hasn’t used actual electronics for his pieces: they are in fact made of a material called ‘foamcore.’ Still, the pieces look magnificent, and perhaps a little tasty – anyone else hungry?
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