It is easy to think that actors are paid to, you know, act. This would in theory mean that they appear to be completely different people every time you see them.
Yet, some of the world’s most famous actors have little habits, traits or customs that appear to crop up in just about all of their movies.
Sean Bean Dies a Lot
The Evidence: Patriot Games, Goldeneye, Equilibrium, Lord of the Rings, The Island, Black Death
There´s a lot to like about the idea of becoming Sean Bean. As well as having a surname that makes you sound like a common ingredient in Mexican food there is also the vague but tantalizing possibility that you are a relative of the Mr Bean. However, it seems clear that the single best thing about life as Sean would be that you only ever need to read part of the script for any movie or TV show. You would turn up to the audition with a long, flowing leather jacket or historical garb and just ask, “So, what page do I die on?” Bingo, you get the part and you don’t even need to read the whole flipping script.
Tom Cruise Runs a Lot
The Evidence: Jerry Maguire, Mission Impossible, Collateral, Vanilla Sky, The Firm
It must be tiring being Thomas Cruise Mapother IV. As well as jumping up and down on Oprah’s sofa, it seems that he is also contractually obliged to run in every single movie he appears in, even when it is completely and utterly inappropriate to do so. Some of his running scenes also just seem to go on forever. Check out the exhausting and bizarrely compelling way he just keeps on running and running and freaking running through Dubai and Shanghai in the Mission Impossible films. I needed a lie down and several liters of those crappy sports drinks after watching those running sequences.
Johnny Depp Wears a Ridiculous Amount of Headgear
The Evidence: Pirates of the Caribbean, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Public Enemies
Could I politely enquire as to how often you have seen the top of Johnny Depp’s head? You might initially think that you have seen his delightful crown on a regular basis but I can assure you that you have bloody well not. Unless you are his hairdresser or, and this is the crucial point, his hideously overworked hat-maker. You see, Master Depp has a penchant for wearing headgear in all possible situation and places, no matter how silly it may appear. Creepy character from ye olden times? Stick a hat on it. Camp pirate? Cover that crown. Anything else ever? Call that hat maker and let your headgear fantasies come true.
Brad Pitt Eats Totally Everything
The Evidence: Ocean’s Eleven, Meet Joe Black, Mr and Mr Smith, Moneyball, Johnny Suede
Maybe you have already heard a rumor about Brad eating in all of his movies but couldn’t quite bring yourself to believe it. After all, eating is gross and Brad is like so un-gross it actually hurts. Well, I hate to shatter your illusions but if you check out the list of things he has eaten on screen you will find burgers, sandwiches, potato chips, bagels, carrots, and every single foodstuff ever invented by man. No one knows why he does this, although I have a theory that stands up to scrutiny. I reckon that sneaky old Pitt is too busy looking good to waste time consuming edible goods in his own time. Instead, he demands that his character spends all day stuffing his pretty face. In this way, he fills his tank at work and can go home to just relax and steam his face in unicorn crap or whatever he does to stay so handsome.
Jack Nicholson Shows You His Teeth
The Evidence: The Shining, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Batman, Seriously, do I need to go on…?
Did you know that Jack Nicholson has teeth? If you have ever seen at least 20 seconds of one of his movies then yes you do. From maniacal grins to cheeky smirks and charming smiles, Jack has cornered the market in onscreen dental displays so much that he is surrounded by a team of “smile reflection protection agents” who hand out free sunglasses to passersby. Probably.