So, you’ve seen lots and lots of incredible miniature art over the years, but I highly doubt you’ve ever seen miniature art going to this extreme! The contents of the little containers depicted above and below are so petite you need a magnifying glass to actually see what objects they are supposed to be. And prepare to be amazed once you take a magnified peek because every little jar has a tiny world of brilliance sitting inside. One world shows a couple kissing under a tree, another shows a turtle on an island, and a third shows a golf course with one itsy-bitsy golfer playing a round; maybe he’s a Lilliputian.
Josh Sommers’ Insane Photo Montages
California-based photo illustrator and photographer Josh Sommers will blow your mind with his incredible surreal photo montages. As you can see in these photos, he has injected himself into his work. His creations are very weird, and you may find them disturbing, especially the ones where his head is endlessly coming out of his head.
Legos blending in with city life
Artist Temujin Doran has come up with a super way to advertise the toy brand Lego. He simply takes photos of small Lego figures placed in real-life situations.