As if Christmas and New Year’s weren’t already enough of a reminder to how horribly lonely and hopeless we are, Valentine’s day decided to come along and make it even more clear. While I do not believe that there is anything wrong with being single, the truth is that cheesy celebrations of love seem to have a negative effect on them. Besides the fact that Valentine’s day was invented for the sale purpose too boost chocolate, gift and flower sales, it is also the most prolific time of the year for hotline and video-chat industries. So how can partner-less people cope with it? Here are a few things that will help you have a total blast:
7. Don’t Celebrate it
You might ask us how not celebrating Valentine’s is going to be fun. Well, it’s simple: there is actually nothing special about this day. It was invented for sales purposes, so there is no reason not to make the 15th of February, or any other day a special one. Besides the fact that you don’t need a special day to reassure your partner of your feelings towards him, but if you are single you should not feel bad in any way. Also, without trying to make it sound like an anti-valentine fact, you are probably happier then the woman next to you, who’s lover is too busy/indifferent to send her flowers.
6. Watch Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is such a complete and utter fail of a movie, that it will actually make you happy that you have no lover for Valentine’s. I mean, isn’t it kind of pathetic that you need a predetermined day of love? You will definitely have a blast if you decided to watch Valentine’s Day, for Valentine’s Day.
5. Share the Non-Romantic Feels
In the end, Valentine’s day is a celebration of love, in all its forms, even it has become more popular for couples. So just because you don’t have that special someone, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t more special someones (like family or friends) who deserve your love. Send some flowers to your mum, or take your sister out for dinner, and you will be shooting two birds with one stone: making your loved ones happy, while also blending in with the romantic fools.
4. Organize a Great Night In
Most people I know live with the misconception that staying in is lame. Sure, it may not be as glamorous as clubbing, and drinking ’till the break of dawn, then coming home in shambles, but who am I to judge. I believe that you can totally rock Valentine’s day by lounging the entire day, or calling friends over for some board games. Treat yourself to something nice, like a bottle of wine, and if you get lonely, you can always hug your friends.
3. Spoil Yourself a Bit
Most people spend so much time thinking about others, that they totally neglect themselves. Probably the best thing about not having a partner for Valentine’s day is the fact that you don’t have to waste your cash for nothing. Instead, why not treat yourself? I am positive that there is something that you’ve been craving for for a long time, so maybe it’s finally the time to buy it.
2. Party ‘Till the Break of Dawn
Instead of wallowing in self-pity, why have the time of your life? What you are probably not considering right now, is the fact that you are not the only single person for Valentine’s night. Go out, party, it doesn’t even matter if there are mostly couples going, because there’s bound to be someone just as lonely as you, maybe the hottie that you could never talk to before. Another idea would be to host your very own party, with an appropriate theme. Nobody would dare judge the host, right?
1. Volunteer
Volunteer, on Valentine’s Day? It sounds a bit outrageous, granted, but there is no better way to feel better on this day than by realizing just how insignificant this event is. Volunteering is not only extremely rewarding, but it will also help you put things in perspective.