In case you missed it in the last 24 hours, we’ve brought you some of the best moments, comments, quotes, and oops of the Olympic games so far.
Most Offensive Olympic Moment
Leading in the race for “most offensive moment” is when the North Korean women’s soccer team took to the field – or didn’t take to the field – when the SOUTH Korean flag was flown instead of the proper one. Wonder who lost their job over that one?Equally offensive and somewhat more ingenious is the Borat theme song replacement of the Kazakhstan National Anthem. That “oops” certainly has to have been deliberate.
Sexist Olympic Tweets
In other twitter news, less likely to incite an international incident is the funny, yet sexist Mark Hughes as he writes about the women’s soccer team and their unfortunate (and hungry) men. A Mitt Romney parody laments London’s lack of preparedness due to no Mormon Temples etcetera and so on.Stay tuned for more Olympics Oops, Offense and Outrage all month long as ThisBlogRules follows Twitter to stay on top of the Best #Olympic Moments in London. Post your favorite #Olympics tweet below for future consideration.