We all know them from the hit animated movies “Despicable Me” and “Despicable Me 2”. If you’ve not yet been completely won over by their ridiculous way, their downright silly language and creative entertainment endeavors, you are certainly going to be smitten with them by the time you get through this article.
The Minions, as legend would have it, are lovely little creatures who exist since the beginning of the beginning and after having evolved from single-cell organisms into what they look like today, they serve one purpose and one purpose alone: to aid the super villains of Earth in their master plans. And according to this storyline, Illumination Entertainment has decided to grace the world with an animated movie dedicated solely to these unique and funny characters on the 10th of July 2015 (true, it seems too far away, but we’ll just have to do with the already delicious moments they have given us thus far until the movie is out). Here is a selection of our favorite scenes and hilarious minion moments:
1. How They Would Like to be so Smooth With the Ladies
While not actually courting someone, minions make considerable efforts to remain sharp and on top of their game- they never know when the prettiest of minionettes could pass them by.
2. How They Make Sure to Eat a Healthy Diet
Concerned with their health, these cute little beings always pay attention to vitamin and mineral requirements and carry a banana at all times- just in case their glucose or potassium is low.
3. How They Help Each Other Out
Helping villains complete their plans does not mean that minions aren’t there for their friends at all times. They help each other out in a pickle.
4. How They Take Care of Their Humor
Laughter is very important to them and they never miss out on making the best of a funny opportunity.
5. How They Love Gru
The fact that they always flip out when their villain, Gru, show up to present them with his new plans shows the love they all share for him.
6. How They Don’t Miss out on Goodnight Kisses
They don’t take no for an answer- a kiss is a kiss and they all get one.
7. How They Try Their Best
Whether getting kidnapped or shopping at the mall, they always put up a fight.
8. How Much They Care about the Chores
A clean house is a happy house and minions know this. A bit of music, correct attire and they’re all set.
9. How They Pay Attention to the Important Things
When there is work to be done, no minion will be deterred no matter the reason. Or perhaps only if butts are involved.
10. How They Dance
We can all agree that this minion has got it going on!
11. How They Win Bets
Or rather enjoy the spoils of victory?
12. How They Encourage One and Other
Minions don’t make fun of each other. Instead, they try supporting their friends when they are down.
13. How They Look Fabulous in Drag
No shopping spree would be complete without a decent costume and the minions have all bases covered.
14. How They Love Giving
Yes, being useful also means giving.
15. And How They Sing Karaoke
Minions have many talents and karaoke is just of them. For all the rest, be sure to see the movie when it gets out in 2015!
That concludes our top 15. We believe that these moments are the most hilarious minion moments. This doesn’t mean that everyone shares our views. Which is your favorite minion moment? Let us known in the comment box below. We can’t get enough of these cute guys!