It’s an indelible Halloween tradition: the children of the neighborhood all dressing up in elaborate costumes purchased from the local Halloween specialty shop (or, if you were poor, your costume was “homemade”) and beating on doors, demanding candy lest they unleash their fury on whatever poor sucker gives them apples instead of good ole fashioned American candy bars.
Make Your Own ‘Archer’-Themed Jack-O’-Lanterns
Well, the spooky annual holiday event that is Halloween has reared its monstrous head yet again, which means celebratory parents everywhere will soon be carving scary, demonic faces into their newly purchased pumpkins (unless they buy them pre-carved, lazy so-and-so’s). But hey, here’s a fun idea: instead of carving a ghastly and ghoulish monster onto the surface of your jack-o’-lantern, how about skilfully sculpting the handsome face of everyone’s favorite self-centered cartoon secret agent? [Read more…]