The August 15, 2011 issue of Newsweek featured a picture of the shape-shifting T-1000 terminator impersonating Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.
The mainstream librul meedya took Newsweek editor Tina Brown to task for the unflattering photo of Michele Bachmann, calling it sexist, anti-conservative, mean, poo poo caca. Bad Newsweek. Bad, bad Newsweek.
But it’s not like U.S. media outlets have never featured crappy politician pictures on their covers. Check out this New York Post cover about Charles Rangel, the U.S. Representative from New York:
We at This Blog Rules feel that the Psycho Bachmann Newsweek cover is just a hilariously shitty picture of a political candidate. In fact, we think there should be more shitty photographs of politicians.
In the spirit of kicking these people while they’re up, we present to you, in alphabetical order by first name (just to prove our political neutrality) a wide range of unflattering photographs of United States politicians — and of course their family members, because they matter, for reasons unknown to political philosophers… [Read more…]