Designer Justin Harder of Harder Studios has created the world’s first pixelated motorcycle. Not exactly a Harley-Davidson, but it will probably attract the same amount of attention.
With a bit of imagination these doors look like robot heads
Using storage doors as inspiration, the Slovakian photographer Branislav Kropilak has made a series of pictures that he calls “Depots”. It’s basically photographs of different doors that lead to several storages or depots, but the trick is that they all look like robot heads.
Pimp my garage with 3D effects
You have probably heard about “pimp my ride”, but what about pimping your garage? Graphic designer and advertising guru Thomas Sassenbach has come up with the idea of using unique 3D images printed on your garage door. The images are so stunning that you’ll probably think that the neighbor has trades his car into a yacht, or maybe a Formula One racer.