The world of video-games is seemingly infinite. There are so many genres of games that you can choose from, and so many virtual universes in which you can immerse yourself, that you might forget about real life all-together. Nevertheless, as advanced, detailed and exciting as these games are, they have some fatal flaws that most people seem not to mind. Let’s take a look at 9 baffling things that can only make sense in video games (and even here, they don’t make that much sense).
1. The Weight Limit
Most MMORPG (or RPG) games involve moving around with your hero, completing missions and finding rewards. The funny thing about it is that you have an inventory limit which you must not max if you want to move freely. The funny thing is that throwing away a piece of white which weighs close to nothing, will help you regain all the mobility. What is even more intriguing is that you can’t pick up a piece of wheat, but you are able to carry around thousands of gold coins without any problems.
2. SIMS Logic
SIMS is a great game, especially if you prefer to live other people’s lives instead of yours. Anyway, besides having the possibility of controlling your SIMS, marrying, making children and working, these intelligent, virtual beings seem to have a difficulty with objects in their environment. If they find a letter on the table, they will probably have to eat standing up. Why Sims?
3. Final Fantasy Doctors
In Final Fantasy there seems to be a solution, potion or device to solve everything, yet somehow, the profession of a doctor is still viable. Basically, in a world where you can literally make arms grow back, or revive a person after he has been impaled with an ice shard, doctors are still needed. I guess this is good news.
4. Cloud’s Amazing Weapon
I’ve never been a fan of huge swords. Besides the fact that it is impossible to wield them which such speed, how exactly are they supposed to help you get rid of flies?
5. Prince of Persia Logic
Prince of Persia II was an awesome game. Manufacturers tried to revive it but failed terribly, and disappointed many fans in the process. Anyway, both games had a strange problem. It was possible for your prince to run alongside a 90 degrees flat wall after hanging off a cliff, but if he fell from anywhere higher than 7′ it meant impending death.
6. Hacking into Computers
Obviously, you couldn’t expect games to require us to actually code and do geeky stuff in order to bypass their computers, but isn’t it a little funny that nearly all of them require you to do crossword puzzles, match-ups, or mazes?
7. Even more FF Infallible Logic
I’m not trying to bash the Final Fantasy games, because they are among my favorites, but have you never thought it is a bit strange that while taking turns in fights, you don’t move? The only thing you can do is wait for the adversary to attack you and hope that you survive. Only after this happens can you attack back.
8. Stealing in Skyrim
If you play Skyrim long enough you will eventually become the new Arch Wizard, boss of Winterhold or some sort of king, but your subjects will still fight you over a sweet roll.
9. World in Peril
Irrespective of the dangers that you will be facing in your virtual universe, more than 50% of games will send inexperienced kids to save it. It makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?
I hope you licked our top 9 things that can only make sense in video games inspired from Crac