Whether you like them or not, you are stuck with your coworkers for multiple hours everyday. Someone’s laugh probably drives you crazy or mannerisms bug the heck out of you. Caught up in your own displeasure you probably didn’t realize you could be equally annoying to someone else. It’s true – if you’re not careful, you could be the one making everyone feel awkward. Here are nine things no one at the office wants to hear you say:
That’s Not My Job
Telling someone that something isn’t your job is just like saying you aren’t willing to help unless you absolutely have to. If someone assumes something is your responsibility and it isn’t, politely guide them to the person responsible. Don’t be a jerk. If someone asks you for help, of course the project he or she mentioned isn’t your job – that’s why they asked for your help.
How Did They Get Promoted?
Umm, rude. Even if it’s truly unbelievable that the Michael Scott of the office got promoted, don’t go spreading your opinion around. It makes you seem unprofessional, judgmental and especially bitter. Instead, bring up concerns (backed by specific examples) when specifically asked by senior management during a performance review.
Don’t Tell Anyone, But…
Steer clear of being an office gossip – the attention and association isn’t genuine. Avoid sharing negative opinions about another employee, specific company information only you are privy to or even that fact that you are considering applying for jobs elsewhere. Over sharing can bite you in the butt sooner than later. [Read more…]