Today sees the release of supernatural vampire comedy “Dark Shadows,” director Tim Burton’s big-screen adaptation of the gothic soap opera of the same name that aired from 1966-1971. To mark its release, I thought I’d take a look at the ten finest on-screen performances of its leading man: Johnny Depp, the 48-year-old acting chameleon and global megastar whose 28-year career has seen him playing oddball outsiders, murderous madmen and actual chameleons in drug-addled dramas, quirky comedies, gothic horrors and computer-animated family flicks. Let’s begin. [Read more…]
The Top 10 Oscar Snubs
Some see the Academy Awards as a way to gauge whether a film is good or not. This is a foolish move and here are the top ten reasons why. Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the TBR jury, here are the top ten Oscar Snubs of all time: [Read more…]
Ten Hollywood Has-Beens Who Deserve a Comeback
As the age-old saying goes, what goes up must come down; the ten individuals listed below certainly know this. These ten actors are Hollywood ex-starlets whose once-glimmering careers have taken quite a tumble over the last few years or so, be this from bad role choices, box-office blunders or personal problems. They’re also actors whom I firmly believe should be awarded with the Mickey Rourke/Robert Downey, Jr. treatment, i.e. a shining comeback.
So, scroll down, take a look and see if you think any of these washed-up has-beens deserve to be placed back in the spotlight as I personally think they should be. I should probably note that they’re assembled in alphabetical order of surname, and not in order of washed-up-iness. [Read more…]
The 5 Most Egregious Charlie Sheen Roles
Charlie Sheen….well, what more can be said about Charlie that hasn’t already been said a thousand times? I mean, let’s face it: the guy is not connected with the real world.
But that’s not what this article is about. You won’t see jokes about tiger blood or winning here, so if you came for that, you should leave and change as a person because seriously, what’s wrong with you? Now that those unfortunates are banished, we can focus on what this article is really about: pointing and laughing at stupid things Charlie Sheen pulled in the movies. [Read more…]
The Top 5 Paul Giamatti Movies
Paul Giamatti is not what we normally expect out of a leading man. He’s short, he’s pudgy, he’s balding…and he’s awesome. Here are five of his best movies, and why he makes them great. [Read more…]