We have seen in the past that there are some amazing Chat Roulette screen shots out there showing chance meetings on this random chat site, so it seemed like a good time to look for some more funny ones to share with you.
You never know who you are going to come across on Chat Roulette but you tend to expect a member of the human race. Still, this canine seems to have pretty good typing skills, even if there is the tiniest hint of an attitude problem there.
Rule number 1 if you are going to pretend to be a cartoon characer; know what the blooming thing is called.
If you want to get scared out of your wits this is one great way of doing it. These Chat Roulette screen shorts show, well, I am not really sure what they show to be honest.
You learn something new every day on Chat Roulette. I mean, who knew that they did exercise in Estonia? Next we’ll find out that they read books in Latvia and eat bread in Lithuania.
If you don’t know how to laugh at yourself you are on the wrong site. Also, If you don’t know how to laugh at yourself it is time for a new look.
Isn’t it exciting to find a complete stanger who looks exactly like you? It appears not acording to these Chat Roulette screen shots.?
There are a few people you don’t find to come across on Chat Roulette and your Dad probably comes in just behind your partner and just before that weirdo from accounts who always looks at your rear end when you are getting coffee from the machine.?
And so the eternal war between cats and dogs moves into the internet age.
We all know the feeling. You are passing a few hours of quality time with your chicken and you decide to pop onto a chat site to see who you bump into. Well, it’s hard to get out and meet real people in a real life situation when your best friend comes from the poultry world.
You probably feel a bit of an idiot as you dress up like Batman and are worried that you will get landed with someone normal and sane to chat with. Oh look, that’s a relief!
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