Lego art isn’t anything new – ever since the Lego Group launched the interlocking building blocks all the way back in 1949, budding artists the world over have been presenting their colourful constructions in galleries, on the internet and even out in the open. But the Lego creations of New York-based artist Nathan Sawaya are so eye-poppingly spectacular and spectacularly eye-popping they deserve to have some light shone upon their countless interconnected bricks.
Ever since 2002, ex-laywer Sawaya has been creating large-scale sculptures of the human body, everyday objects and real-life constructions, all made entirely out of regular ol’ Lego bricks, and has been showcasing them in museums all across the globe. Currently, he is touring the States and also Australia in a new exhibition, named “The Art of the Brick,” wowing museum-goers worldwide with his magnificent designs. Below is a collection of some of his finest work, but if you want to see more you could go take a look at his official site or even pay one of his exhibitions a visit – just don’t knock any of the pieces over.
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