This 800 pounds grizzly bear called Brutus is Casey Anderson’s best friend, believe it or not. The famous naturalist and his furry friend are inseparable from the day Brutus was a 2 weeks old cub. Casey saved the bear from an overpopulated wildlife park, and raised him with lot of attention, love and respect.
Brutus the bear is living in a sanctuary that Casey built so he can freely live like a grizzly bear is supposed to live. Being around Brutus is not dangerous because he is comfortable around people, but Casey is still not letting anybody have physical contact with Brutus but himself. He is not afraid that the bear will ever attack him because he knows and predicts his every move.
The two of them are so close that Brutus was Casey’s best man at his wedding
Favorite things that Brutus likes to do is to sleep, play with other grizzly bears, eat marshmallows and Twinkies, and get attention from people, especially when he “flirts” with women. He is really comic and intelligent, and will always do something silly to make everybody laugh.
Casey and Brutus are actually having their own show on National Geographics that’s called “Expedition Grizzly“. There are several other people that have wild animals as pets, like a hyena or a baboon.
How much does it cost to feed him?
An arm and a leg 😉
Timothy Treadwell lived with a grizzly, too. Then it ate him.
This is an amazing relation between a man and a wild Grizzly!
I think it’s possible because Casey takes care of Brutus since he was just 2 weeks old. Animal can sense human intention! Brutus must believe that Casey were his mother. He deserves this genuine love from Brutus for the TLC he gives his wild buddy.
a grizzly bear is a wild and dangerous animal no matter he was raised from the wild as a small bear,let us hope he does not revert to type anyday soon
That’s Missy Pyle!
That’s nice but I bet it’s a lot of work and money and such…
Treadwell lived with and around genuine wild grizzlies, this one was raised from a cub by this man, completely different situations.
Still possible it can end badly, but it isn’t the same by any means
really? some of these are very clearly photoshopped.
It really is an amazing bond they share. However, it’s called a wild animal for a reason.
Uh I’m not the only one who thinks this looks a little… shall we say… edited?
Robin. A person is more dangerous. The fact that he has been raised so successfully, and is integrated into Casey’s life so completely is amazing.
Just because the majority of bears are wild doesn’t mean that they can’t be friendly.
Casey you are a very lucky man…..I am crazy about bears! and I am so jealous.
“He is not afraid that the bear will ever attack him because he knows and predicts his every move.”
This makes no sense at all. How does knowing and predicting a 500lb bear’s moves keep the bear from attacking him or any of the nearby people? The fact he admits he won’t let anyone else be physical with the bear is telling.
There are dog owners whose hand-raised pet ended up seriously injuring owner/family member or neighbor. So let’s cut the cr*p here. He’s betting his and other’s lives on whether that bear’s basic instincts have been totally supressed.
How nice for Mr. Anderson that he gets to live a normal human life, with a wife and probably raise a family but not Brutus. He should have gotten that bear back into the wild long ago.
these pictures look so fake, it is laughable.
How gullible and naive can you really get? Over half of these are so obviously photoshopped, the true nature of this mans relationship to this bear is probably totally different than these pictures suggest. And I totally agree with whoever said the wife is Missy Pyle. She was probably paid to stage the photos.
it is totally OBSCENE that there is a link to a bear hunting site on this page!!!
So what happened to the second bear cub that was in the first picture? Why did Brutus get the tlc and not the other?
…so are these real or not? I love bears!
Tell that to the woman who got mauled by the “tame” chimp that had been someone’s pet since it was young. A friendly wild animal is still a wild animal.
The family dinner one looked edited…but i could be wrong. The other ones look real even though they might’ve been touched up in photoshop. Anyways…as far as the comment: “a grizzly bear is a wild and dangerous animal no matter he was raised from the wild as a small bear,let us hope he does not revert to type anyday soon”…I say…
a human being is naturally a wild and dangerous animal no matter he was raised from the wild as a small human,let us hope he does not revert to type anyday soon
I just want to know how the heck you can get an 800lb grizzly into your dining room and it still look perfect…yeah right
For all “it’s photoshopped” people
Enjoy this video, and see how they really have good friendship.
WOW! Too cool… That’s one big puppy. He’s braver than me, I quivered and quaked when I was with a bobcat at the Olympic Game Farm here in Sequim..LOL
Why do people always question if it’s real or not? Of course it’s real.. next there will be someone claiming it’s photoshopped..YAWN.
Timothy Treadwell asked for his demise.. he did NOT make friends with a grizzly but was trying to live with ALL the wild Grizzlies in their territory.. weren’t they on Kodiak Island? That was crazy.. and trying to get his girlfriend to hit the attacking bear with a frying pan… good move (not) she got eaten too.. fancy that?
I have the utmost respect for Casey Anderson.
He says he keeps it away from other people but if these pictures are real that’s clearly not true.
lol @ all who think these pics were shopped. Get out of your basements once in awhile.
I was in a movie with Missi Pyle and that is TOTALLY NOT her. Nothing is more annoying than know-it-all’s that don’t know anything. And I love that everyone seems to be a Photoshop expert as well these days. Give them one magnetic lasso and they think they’re pro’s!
Sorry guys/gals, but this in NOT a wild animal. It has been raised and tamed from a cub. Not to say that it can’t or won’t ever turn on it’s owner, or that it can’t accidentally injure or kill. But it is NOT a wild animal.
Treadwell was living amongst WILD bears, and was quite frankly a fool.
If a person knows what they are doing, it is not impossible to live with/raise/own “wild” animals. There is a man who has integrated himself into a wolf pack. For another example, look up “Christian the lion”
just because he can predict and know his every move so he can act accordingly does not mean it’s the same with OTHER PEOPLE. get it? do you always know how YOUR animal is going to react to people OTHER than you? Casey obviously understands how the bear will act around him, but as a precaution, because yes, he is still a wild bear, he doesn’t allow him around everyone and anyone.
i think it’s great what he did for brutus, whether it costs a lot or not, it’s worth it in the end, and these pictures are awesome.
well, they’re not shopped, this was an actual show.
I do agree that Brutus will always be a wild animal at heart, but hey…as long as Casey’s not endangering anyone else, let him risk his life.
So it says casey doesnt allow the bear to have physical contact with anyone, yet theirs a photo with the bear in a room fulll of ppl lol, and it looks photo shopped by the way
if you watch the video the photo of him in a room of people is from a thanksgiving special on some tv network, and the picnic raid is from a public service announcement. some of the pictures are “fake” in that they are professionaly done, but the story is real
Ahhh… RUN!
to all the skeptics, see link
Pyle married Casey Anderson, a grizzly bear specialist for National Geographic, on September 12, 2008. The wedding was country-western themed and took place in Montana. Wedding guests included Anderson’s bear, Brutus, comedian Steve Agee, and bandmate Shawnee Smith.
To the obvious lier who claims to have been in a movie with Missi Pyle, you must have been the coffee fetcher in the studio’s lobby and never been within 500 yards of Ms. Pyle because that absolutely is her. Anyone who thinks it isn’t should look at her page on where there are pictures (different than those on this blog) of her with Casey Anderson and Brutus.
I’m not saying that all of these photos haven’t been edited or that she is truly married to Casey, but, once again, that is definitely her.
“Pyle married Casey Anderson, a grizzly bear specialist for National Geographic, on September 12, 2008. The wedding was country-western themed and took place in Montana. Wedding guests included Anderson’s bear, Brutus, comedian Steve Agee, and bandmate Shawnee Smith.”
This is Missi Pyle’s husband. Whilst the above is from her Wikipedia page, all other sources confirm it also. I remember reading about the wedding last year in an interview with her as well.
So Miss “I was in a movie with her” – were you ever actually anywhere near her?
I saw this guy and the bear together on Oprah via Skype. It was really incredible. There is also a family who owns Bart the grizzly. He is the bear seen in many of the movies that have a bear in them. They raise them from the tiny they are a few weeks old, and interact with them every day.
I don’t know why I bother to comment on threads like this, maybe it’s just in the hopes that ONE person will read it and change their mind.
Wild animals should NEVER be kept as pets. Let me repeat and clarify that for ya: WILD ANIMALS SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVVVVEERRRR BE KEPT AS PETS. I don’t care how sweet these pictures look, it’s a BEAR. And not just any bear, a GRIZZLY bear. All it would take is one moment of playing too rough, a swipe at the wrong place, and that dude is dead.
Wild animals will always be wild. I don’t care what type we’re talking about. A chipmunk should remain wild, a duck should, a deer, a fox, a blue jay, a beaver, a raccoon, everything you’ve ever seen in the wild should absolutely stay there. If you find one, contact your the police department or a veterinary office to find out who your local wildlife rehabilitator is, and turn the animal over to them. They know far more than you do about raising an animal in such a way that it can be returned to the wild, where it belongs.
One quick note. That woman looks like Missi Pyle, because she is Missi Pyle, his wife. They married in 2008.
its real since they’re on National Geographic. With a real reference, anyone can follow up on the show and if they’re not there then these are fake. IMO everyone should prove to themselves
This reminds me of that story about the two Englishmen that bought a lion cub in the sixties and raised it before releasing it into the wild. Years later they went back to the area where he was last spotted and he ran up to them and played and licked their faces.
That bear loves that man, it’s beautiful. And comical.
Doesn’t anybody know about the Grizzly Man. Look it up. It could happen to him.
Gorgeous photography! Fantastic story….what an incredible life!!!!!
Best Wishes,
Kelly from Alaska
not shopped- this guy lives a half hour from me. the hillside on the second photo is outside of Livingston, MT, where he lives.
this is a perfect example of how man and animal can live in HARMONY….
Would he leave it in the house with their newborn?
That would be the telling.
wow that is so awesome! I love bears!
I think this is very beautiful. The parts of the brain that process emotion are very much the same in mammals like bears when compared to our own. They cannot self reflect in the same way we can but can form emotional connections and contacts. In Thailand there are Buddhist monks that live peaceably with Bengal tigers. I am from Alaska and the number of interactions between humans and bears that end peacefully far out number the well publicised tragedies. There is risk as in everything in life but this relationship shows our essential unity with other creatures we share this small planet with.
“Brutus is living in a sanctuary that Casey built so he can freely live like a grizzly bear is supposed to live. ”
Thats for all you retards bawwwing about the bear being in captivity