The list continues showing you the oddest and most interesting animal groups names out there, a fascinating concept in itself. It’s a beautiful way of expression and display of their traits and, on some occasions, of what they represent. At the very least, our human interpretations of different animal behavior and human-like qualities. We can’t actually check if lions have pride since it’s more likely an instinct of self-preservation. But we won’t ruin it for you.
And this is not even the beginning of it.
A Team of Cattle
A strong representation of hard work, cattle band together, graze together, live together, and are often put simultaneously at work. It stands to reason that they would be called a team when they’re all in one place.
A Coalition of Cheetahs
An alliance of the fierce and fast animals that roam around savannas. They are considered to be the fastest cats on earth, so it’s probably their only option to forge a partnership with others who can keep up. Especially if they’re cheating…
A Chattering of Chicks
Feel free to read anything into it. Even though the fairer sex is commonly associated with endless chatter in the media, this is much more likely addressing the incessant chirping of little chicks. It’s like an unending choir that does not stop until they grow.
A Bed of Clams
Some of them might be edible while they’re still fresh, and viciously dangerous if they’re not. It would be odd to say you’ve eaten a bed of clams or order it, but it’s good to know most of us have been saying it all wrong.
A Quiver of Cobras
One of the delightfully appropriate and beautiful animal groupings name there is. Whether it’s referring to the threatening light quivering of the snakes or the common reaction to them, it’s certainly fitting.
An Intrusion of Cockroaches
It cannot get more appropriate than this. They are the enemies of our kitchens and unwelcomed guests in any house. Certainly, they fit as the intruders that everyone tries to exterminate.
A Raft of Coots
These water birds swim together in a tight formation, especially as little hatchlings. They float slowly but steadily, giving off the impression of a raft calmly going through the motions of the water.
A Gulp of Cormorants
Another species of birds that dwell in the waters. Cormorants have a quick and easy way to swallow their food, all done in one swoop gulp. In fact, they’re such efficient hunters that Chinese fishermen traditionally use them to catch fish. However, their throats are tied up, so they can’t gulp down their catch.
A Kine of Cows
It’s not a herd nor a pack, it’s a kine. For such a common and well-known animal, it may be surprising that we haven’t referred to them right.
A Band of Coyotes
They might not be rock stars, but coyotes certainly like singing together and causing shivers to run down the spines of listeners. It’s a fascinating habit of the canines, and exceptional to hear… as long as you’re not too close.
A Cast of Crabs
These tiny little critters move like a cast of ballerinas sideways, so the name is beyond fitting.
A Float of Crocodiles
They might be heavy, dangerous, and one of the most ancient ancestor of the extinct dinosaurs. Crocodiles swim in the deep end of the water to control their body temperature, but they also float together on the surface. Nothing but their eyes and the tip of their snout edges out.
A Murder of Crows
Possibly one of the most well-known collective noun due to literature, music, and movies. However, they’re also called a parcel or a storytelling of crows.
A Gang of Deer
Roaming the forests mostly together, the more commonly used word is “herd”. It’s not incorrect, but it’s certainly not the most interesting. They are also called a “leash of deer”.
A Clash of Bucks
An easy one to interpret, if only for their famous clashes and fights that make these otherwise innocent-looking animals terrifying. One push of their horns will send you homeward.
A Cry of Hounds
Dogs, in general, are referred to as the well-known “kennel of dogs”. However, hounds have a few collective nouns from themselves, including cry and mute.
A Pitying of Turtle Doves
Or a “pitenousness” of turtle doves. This is in spite of the fact that normal doves can be called a dule, a dole, a cote, or a paddling.
A Badling of Ducks
Available only for the ground birds. It’s safer just to call them a flock, though.
A Convocation of Eagles
Recognized as one of the noblest and proudest animals, eagles do not gain the name of flock or herd. Oh no, leave that to the “petty ducks”.
A Fry of Eels
Is it because they can actually fry things with their electricity? Possibly.
A Memory of Elephants
Hinged on one of the most well-known facts about the massive animals. Elephants are famous for having an exceptional memory, one that is believed can surpass a human’s given their lifespan.
A Business of Ferrets
They’re not exactly the most formally “dressed” animals, such as penguins and their little tuxedos. However, they do poke their noses into other people’s business, so perhaps that’s the true explanation behind their name.
A Charm of Finches
These tiny little beautiful birds have trademark brightly colored cheeks. It makes them look as if they’re always blushing.
A Flamboyance of Flamingos
With long legs and pink feathers, there’s no doubt that these birds are so flamboyant in their appearance that they’re only missing some tulle. They’re easy to spot and popular around the world for their colors. And they sure flaunt it.
A Knot of Frogs
If you’ve ever seen frogs banding together, you will definitely understand why. In fact, you should go ahead and search it right now if you haven’t. It’s clearly a tight knot between friends.
A Troop of Foxes
It’s also called a “leash”, a “skulk”, or an “earth” of foxes, given the cunning manner of these adorable-looking animals. They have been shown to be smart and resourceful, and actually caring for their cubs.
Not enough? Move on to part three of this series.
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