Summer is fast approaching and nothing can be more relaxing than drinking your morning coffee in the garden, overlooking a pond or hanging in your hammock- and when you want to turn your garden into the delight creator that it should be but can’t really invest a whole lot of money into it, the only solution is being creative and doing it yourself. This makes it not only more personal but it also gives you the satisfaction of having created the perfect little nest all by yourself. Here are some suggestions to help you get started:
The Relaxation Couch
If the climate permits it or if you have a covered porch, taking an old couch from a garage sale and repurposing it for your garden might be just the thing for you. Choose cushions and materials that are warm and inviting (shades of olive, cream, warm purples or green) and maybe find a wooden coffee table that you can accommodate in your new space. When decorating comes to mind, you can always repurpose old bottles by painting them and hanging them from the trees or porch.
Another idea is to try some DIY paper lanterns or butterflies which you can hang all around your back yard:
Less is More
Another option, if you can’t find the proper garden furniture at reasonable prices, is to buy plastic chairs or table that you can spruce up with paint jobs or collage techniques, or simply cover with hand-made cushions. When you’re set with that, you can simply add elegance by using candles and plants to give it a welcoming vibe. Outdoor design on a budget is all about adding a personal touch, and in order to do this you do not require a lot of money. There are plenty of DIY design blogs out there from which you can draw inspiration.
Metal Garden Furniture
Although it isn’t easy to come by on a budget you can always visit garage sales and ask around- neighbors may want to dispose of their metal furniture and you can do them a solid while also decorating your garden. The perfect thing about metal chairs and tables is that you can paint over them over and over again, and an all-white ensemble is something elegant and classy. All you need to do is have some paint ready.
Wicker Wonderland
Wicker is an excellent material for your outdoor furniture: it’s not that expensive, it’s warm and welcoming and it generally fits well in any garden. You can add personal touches with cushions, paper decorations or candles, and casual bottles covered in wicker would complete the picture perfectly. Surround your table and chairs with some dense green plants or a wooden space divider and you’re set to entertain in style!
Combine and Conquer
Who said that everything in your garden has to match? There are several garden designs that involve putting wooden chairs together with metal framework tables and all sorts of glasswork decorations together- and they work marvelously. Whether the central element is color or design, you do need to be able to find a common denominator for all of them and color is by far your best bet- add a splash of color to each of them so they belong together and you’re all set!
Remember, it is always a good idea to visit flea markets or garage sales, because one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. With a little effort and creativity you can make beautiful outdoor decorations for your home.
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