As a society that is deeply concerned with fictional characters, book conspiracies and other silly questions, we find our minds wondering (more than often) about the whys, the whos, the whats and the whens. And if you were thinking you were the only one asking yourself something absurd, the endless subreddits are the living proof that you were wrong. These 5 attempts to answer unanswerable questions might quench your thirst for knowledge or they might barely scratch that itch that’ll never really go away.
5. What is the value of Princess Peach’s castle?
A real estate group, Movoto, took on the daunting task of estimating how much the castle in Super Mario 64 is worth. He tried to find out the actual size of the castle by taking the double door entrance as a reference point. Since the door is approximately 72 inches long, they ended up with a total number of 453,060 square feet. Next up Movoto had to pinpoint the location of the Super Mario castle in real life so they can get an estimate on the square foot price. Deciding on Oslo as the place that suited all their criteria, they summed everything up and ended with a total value of $950,972,940.
4. When Was Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?
Remember the 1986 comedy about the student who takes a day off to spend it having fun in Chicago with his girlfriend and best friend? The uncomplicated plot follows Bueller around as he goes to a Cubs game, visits the Sears Tower and the Art Museum. Larry Granillo was puzzled how Ferris could have pulled this off, since the game he watched probably took place on June 5th, 1985, most likely after 4 pm. Which would leave him and his friends with a little under 2 hours for sightseeing and crashing a parade.
3. What Does Bob Ross Like To Paint?
“The Joy of painting” aired between 1983 ad 1994 and it was an intructional TV show in which Bob Ross taught his audience how to paint, finishing a painting in each episode. America has been happy with Bob Ross’ lessons until a recent study embarked on the task to analyze his paintings and what they are about. The shocking discoveries speak volumes about Ross’ ability to paint people. Out of 381 paintings only one contains the silhouette of a man. The rest are landscapes with clouds, mountains and trees that appear 91% of the times in his artworks.
2. How much could you get for the Diamond Armor in Minecraft?
The equivalent of real life Lego, Minecraft has its players dig for materials and especially diamonds. This prompted MatPat who hosts The Game Theorists on Youtube answer the question of a set of diamond armor’s worth. After some lengthy calculations involving the size of Minecraft pixels, the number of carats in the armor and in the end he found out the armor is worth $88,188,750,000.98.
1. What’s up with “Game of Thrones” seasons?
Someone should tell Fergie that boys don’t come and go like seasons any more. Because winter has been coming in Game of Thrones for the last five years. And while we’re still waiting for the long night to come over Westeros, why not try to figure out how the seasons work. One of the hypothesis states that the queer length of the seasons can be accounted by the planet’s solar system which should include three major stars orbiting around each other. This could cause the irregular seasons that can either last two years or a decade. According to another theory, the planet inhabited by dragons, warlocks and children of the forest might as well be an exomoon that orbits a gas giant.