Today we’re going to pay tribute to women by presenting a top of 10 most famous women in history. There are so many women who have done great things and history has had the bad habit of forgetting a lot of them. But there are some women, who are so great and so important, that they simply cannot be forgotten or set aside. Women who have not only changed our perception of some things, but women who have changed the world. Their deeds, their discoveries and their courage have made this world a better place for you and I and we thank them for it. Today, we’re going to present to you with a list of 5 famous women in history who have changed the world for the better.
5. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt is one of the most famous women in American history. Aside from being President Roosevelt’s wife, she was an activist for human rights and a great politician. Even before Franklin Roosevelt became president, she had an active role in public policy, while still managing to have six kids. She even established a women only press corps that allowed information to reach a far wider public than before. Her fight against racism and equal rights for African-Americans and women helped America become the country it is today. After her husband died, she remained an active political figure and became a delegate to the United Nations general assembly. Many believe that her greatest achievement was chairing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Drafting Committee.
4. Harriet Tubman
After Harriet Tubman had managed to escape from slavery, in 1849, she returned to help others escape through a network of an underground railroad, which were actually safe houses where the runaway slaves could stay while making their journey throughout America, from north to freedom. In total, she made 19 trips to Maryland and she helped rescue 300 people to freedom, including her own family and her 70-year-old parents. At one point, her capture was totaled at $40,000. During the Civil War she was a spy and a nurse for the federal forces in South Carolina. In October 2014, she was celebrated during the Black History Month all over the world.
3. Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale is the founder of modern nursing. She began studying about nursing after having nursed her great-aunt through her final illness. She then volunteered at hospitals, visited nursing institutions in Germany where she was trained and read everything that was available on the subject of nursing. After beginning to practice nursing, she observed that several of the treatments that were widely prescribed during that time (arsenic, mercury and bloodletting) were actually doing more harm than good. She knew that she could do more to save people lives if she were to care for their basic needs, such as keeping the people well-fed, rested, warm and clean. Without her, we would have given up administering mercury as a treatment much later?
2. Audrey Hepburn
Artists, singers and actors, can’t really change the world, can they? This was the general consensus until Audrey Hepburn helped change that. After retiring from acting, after she was voted one of the most beautiful woman of the 20th century, she remained devoted to her work with UNICEF and focused even more on it, fighting on behalf of children until her death in 1993. Her speeches were wise thoughtful and the leaders of the world stopped to listen when Audrey Hepburn talked. UNICEF Exec Director, Carol Bellamy, had this to say about the humanitarian: She was an inspiration she brought enormous world attention to children. She raised the profile of the challenges they face.
1. Marie Curie
Marie Curie is one of the most famous scientists in history and the first famous woman scientist in the modern world. A pioneer in research about radioactivity, she is dubbed the mother of modern physics. Marie Curie is also the first woman to be awarded a Ph.D. in science in Europe and also the first woman professor at the University of Sorbonne, France. She established the nature of beta rays and radiation and discovered and isolated radium and polonium. Without her, there would be no X-rays!
Every country has its share of famous women in history. Be they Italian, Spanish, French, Indian, Chinese, Irish or Mexican, African American, Asian or Hispanic, or of Islamic, Jewish or Christian faith, born in California, Barcelona, Texas or Paris, a strong woman, who has something to say and something good to do in this world, will always achieve what she wants.
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