Hola! Today is the 1st birthday of This Blog Rules, we started 365 days ago with the article about bizarre tradition with cheese in UK and since them we made a lot of articles, got many comments and fans, and became better and better.
In our first year we had amazing 10 million visits! That is more like the entire country population of Sweden, Israel or New Zealand. Our best month is this currently month May 2010, with incredible 1.8 million visits world wide. 68% of our visits come from United States, 7% from Canada and 6% from UK. London is the city where most TBR readers come from (90 000), followed by New York (78k), Toronto (72k) and Chicago (58k) .
We can not tell the precise number of blogs who have featured us, but there have been many of them. Our stories was a couple of times in mainstream media as well. When we published the story about 12 weirdest stadiums, it was the most popular sport story on web for a while. Press from Brazil, Netherlands, Croatia, Belgium etc. announced that their stadiums were on this list. But our biggest success was with the the story about Riot Dog. We were the first blog to spot and publish him, 2 months before all mainstream media. Riot Dog was on NY Post, Yahoo News, Guardian, Daily Telegraph and on most of media around the world. Almost all of them did not link back to TBR, except Yahoo News and German Financial Times.
We were very proud in October last year when famous AskMen.com awarded us as “Web Site of the Day” and wrote a wonderful review about our blog. Since then we changed a lot, we grew bigger and shared a lot of more interesting stories, got a new layout and attracted many more readers.
We published 221 stories so far, most popular category was Art, Street Art, Creative, and Strange News. Recently readers seem to find our articles about Movies very interesting. It is hard to mention only few, but we will make a short list with “Best of This Blog Rules” :
Album covers of Eastern Europe 70s pop stars
Stunning photographs of animals inside womb
Using shadows to create street art
“The world stands on its head” – upside down house
Man living with a Grizzly bear
Using Barbie parts as a jewelry
The dog that hasn’t missed a single riot for years
12 World’s weirdest stadiums
Don’t mess with milk farmers
In the new section “Interviews” we started to promote young and talented artists and their work. We were honored to interview Italian modern artist Andrea Petrachi, designer Reece Ward, digital artist Yves Geleyn, and filmmakers CJ Wallis & Soska Sisters. If you wish to be seen by our readers and to promote your work, don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you were surfing on famous social networks like Digg, Reddit or StumbleUpon there is a big chance you saw us there, because our stories were many times on front pages of those websites last year. At this moment we have over 9000 fans (or “likers” or however they call it these days) at our Facebook page, over 2200 Twitter followers and 1500 rss subscribers. We are inviting you to join us there to follow our work.
Join our facebook page and suggest it to your friends!
In second year of our blogging we promise you that we will continue to publish only quality and amazing content as we have done so far. We will start with some new things like YouTube channel and Flickr group and some other surprises. We will send presents to our fans like free stickers and T-Shirts. For our birthday the best present will be to suggest us to your friends and have fun with us in future! Stay with us!
Best regards,
This Blog Rules.
Happy b-day and keep up with good work!
Your blog does rule, thanks 🙂
I am one of the subscribers, can’t wait to see new stories every day. Robot with cake is awesome!
Happy birthday! I visit your site everyday! xx
Congratulations from Sweden!
Been reading your blog for about 3-4 months now. Keep it up!
a little red dot is missing in the Dominican Republic! I am here 😉
Happy B.day ‘TBR’!
Happy 1st birthday TBR and many more to come! 🙂
Hurray! Happy B-day to you, keep up the good work. I visit every single day and I always wait for new articles *thumbs up* 🙂
Happy belated birthday!
Some sucess you got there, I have been visiting your site for about two months, and I’ve read all your articles, and this need to be said: I’m impressed!
Thank you for this great blog.
xoxo from Spain
Happy Belated Bday from Brunei! Kind of very late but at least I greet you.:D
Keep the blog awesome!
(Sorry if my English is not good)