Don’t go sticking this in your VCR (providing you’re perpetually trapped in the ‘80s). Behold the Video Notebook, a 260-page writing pad ingeniously designed to mimic the appearance of a VHS cassette tape, a recording device now considered primitive in the modern age of the Blu-ray. Such a strikingly retro design will allow for diarists and casual scribblers the world over to indulge in sweet nostalgia, of which the makers of this conceptually brilliant product were fully aware: “For most of us, the VHS is just a nostalgic memory, but we thought it was an object worth revisiting, in the form of this very nice Video Notebook.”
A must-have for any self-respecting film fan of a certain age, the Video Notebook comes with a protective sleeve and a sheet of sticky labels for writing on, just like the actual tapes of yesteryear. The manufacturing company has apparently (and unsurprisingly) sold out of the product, although you can find it on Amazon for a measly $29.99. Oh, a little advice: if you do buy the Video Notebook (and who could blame you?), try and make sure you don’t get it mixed up with your VHS copy of “The Notebook” – y’know, if you’re a complete doofus.
The images above were taken by filmmaker BenDavid Grabinski, a proud purchaser of the Video Notebook, and the images below are official marketing stills.
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