Fans of retro video games have found a variety of ways to pay tribute to legendary 8-bit classics, from Google’s awesome Pacman anniversary homepage to hardcore nerds going as far as getting tattoos of their favorite game characters. It was only a matter of time until someone came up with an idea as amazing as this one…
Realistic Art On Street Walls
British street artist Boxi is becoming more popular everyday as he takes over the streets of Germany, one wall at a time. He is most commonly known for his haunting, post-apocalyptic work, but now his work more often shows the charming touches of humanity.
Brand Installations On Unusual Locations
The work of Italian artist Filippo Minelli can be described as something between work of art and reality. It’s not exactly street art, but something similar to that. He definitely draws attention with his painted words and logos that pop out from almost nowhere.
The 20 best examples of street art
The room that makes you a part of Super Mario world
Young talented artist Antoinette J. Citizen has decorated a normal room to look like the first level from the Nintendo game Super Mario Bros. It contains all the bricks, question marks, coins and boxes that you can find in the real game. The boxes are in 3D, and the background that would be the room’s walls are pixelated so it looks like you are in the middle of a real Mario game, and to complete it all – the room is installed with sound effects