This coming Friday sees the American release of Pixar Animation Studios’ 13th full-length feature, Scotland-set fantasy adventure film “Brave.” Initial reviews point to it being yet another win for the celebrated film studio – a relief after the rusty 2011 sequel to their very own “Cars.” To mark its highly anticipated release, I’ve taken a look back at Pixar’s previous works and selected their five greatest, which, as I’m sure you can imagine, is no mean feat.
After all, Pixar have awarded us such an awesome collection of computer-animated classics in their 17-year history, and have left us with so little to fault. As such, I’m fully expecting to be verbally spat upon in the comments section below for leaving out some truly remarkable pieces of cinema. For this, I can only apologise. One thing we can all agree on, though: “Cars 2” is not listed below, just as it shouldn’t be. [Read more…]