One of the few drawbacks to the boom in online music is that it means that we get fewer chances to look at outstanding album covers. Will there ever again be classic album artwork like this for us to spend hours looking at in our bedrooms?
The Ten Most Obnoxiously Overplayed Songs In Radio History
They suck, they’re terrible, they’re incompetent, and they’re so catchy that once they enter your brain they will never, ever, ever escape. We listened to all the godawful inescapable hits to find the few that we genuinely think need a rest. And in some cases to be buried with radioactive waste.
10. “Achy Breaky Heart” by Billy Ray Cyrus
Let’s kick this off with one of the more obvious nominees. How impossible was this early ’90s country crossover turd to escape? Weird Al composed this parody, which was literally just a litany of every band that Weird Al hated:
And it was so full of bile, he actually apologized to Billy Ray Cyrus. [Read more…]
Top 6 Royal Weddings That Ended In Divorce – The Twist In Real Life Fairy Tale Weddings
Everyone has been bitten by “The Royal Wedding bug” and part of the charm it seems is royal weddings are the stuff fairy tales are made of. However, not all royal weddings play out the way we imagine them. Some actually come across a tragic twist and in in divorce.
Lets look at a few of these famous royal weddings that ended in divorce. [Read more…]