by Will Conley
You’ll notice the title of this post makes a distinction between looters and rioters. Looters are people who break stuff in order to steal things. Rioters are people who break stuff for great justice.
You may not think there is anything funny to be said about a plague of riots that ended up killing and injuring scores of people and causing untold structural and financial damage to the great cities of England.
Alas and as usual, your opinion is wrong. Some of us here at This Blog Rules happen to think everything is funny. Not because of some high-minded positive outlook on life, but because we are sick and in need of psychiatric treatment, preferably the kind that involves a bone saw and an ice pick.
No, it’s not too soon. In fact, it’s a bit tardy. It’s a good thing the people behind the now-famous website Photoshop Looter and its lesser-known offshoot Photoshop Rioter had our backs.
Beginning on August 9, 2011, Photoshop Looter began posting doctored images of the chaos while it was still going on. The apparent mission of PL is to make the looters look as ridiculous as possible.
Both of the sites blew up in popularity, and now there is allegedly a book in progress, with funds to support the cleanup efforts. So any prudes who think it’s wrong to laugh at tragedy can think about that until their hair lights up like a red double-decker.
We poured through the dozens of submissions featured on PL and PR and picked out our ten LOL-worthy favorites. All of them speak for themselves, but we’re comment on them anyway…