Jeez, where did 2014 go? It whizzed past us in a blur of weird news, overexposed celebrities and other frankly unlikely stuff.
So how will we celebrate the start of a new year? By buying a strange 2015 calendar, that’s how.
The Fish of South America
I love fish and I love South America but could I handle a whole year of the region’s fish? Wouldn’t it have been a good idea to make this a less specific 2015 calendar? What about Fish of the World or even Water-Based Wildlife of South America? I would gladly buy either of them instead.
The 2015 Calendar of Optical Illusions
Can you imagine the state of your brain if you spent all of 2015 looking at this calendar? Optical illusions are brilliant in moderation but a whole flipping year of them would leave you wondering which way was up and why the whole world would never stop spinning.
The 2015 Welsh Postboxes Calendar
One of last year’s weirdest calendars was the astonishingly dull and pointless Disappearing Red Telephone Boxes of Wales. Well, this coming year is going to be even less exciting for anyone who is tempted to hang some of Wales’ least interesting objects on their wall. This photo shows us January, with a delightful, err, Welsh postbox. It kind of carries on in the same vein for month after torturous month after this.
The Bad Cat 2015 Calendar
Can you handle 365 days of cats gone bad? This weird 2015 calendar promises a rebellious and feckless feline for every single day of the year. The cover’s warning of “feline material not suitable for children” will certainly perk up a few people’s interest levels, I would think.
Yoga Dogs 2015 Calendar
Is it just me or are people now coming up with any old nonsense to put on calendars? I would like to teach my dog some yoga but I’m not convinced that he would fully appreciate the spiritual benefits on offer. He probably couldn’t hold the mountain pose for long either.
The Weird Mushrooms Calendar
I’m as interested in weird mushrooms as the next person, provided that the next person doesn’t really give a flying monkey’s belly button fluff about freaking ridiculous mushrooms. Why would you even want to look at this stuff for a whole 365 days? It would drive you mad and quite possibly lead to mushroom based hallucinations.
The NYC Taxi Drivers 2015 Calendar
If you are delighted by the image of this hot-loving hunk of taxi cab-ness then there is a perfect calendar for you. All of New York City’s most photogenic cab drivers have been slapped in here for your pleasure.
Extraordinary Chickens
There is only one piece of useful advice contained in this whole article and here it is; don’t be fooled into buying an Ordinary Chickens calendar this year. Sure it might look cute and hard to resist but those chickens are just so ordinary. Instead, you should look to buy a calendar filled with Extraordinary Chickens. What’s the difference? If you need to ask then it’s time to get with the groove, dude.
Outhouses 2015 Calendar
The world is filled with all sorts of outhouses, from glamorous to rustic and from scenically placed to poorly positioned and smelly. They are all gathered together in one of the weirdest 2015 calendars.