We already knew that the world was a strange place but who knew that it was this freaking strange? The list of the weird magazines you can read if you want to is long and unsettlingly compelling.
For me, the thing that really elevates this magazine into the realms of the best ovine publication around is the fact that there is an excitable exclamation mark in the name. They really, really want this to be a cracking good read that gets you excited, don’t they? The story about making buttons from sheep horns sounds especially fascinating.
Crappie World
Apart from having the best magazine name in the entire known universe, Crappie World also looks like a riveting read. Spawn’s Over What’s Next? they ask. If I’m being honest I have absolutely no idea but now that you mention it I wouldn’t mind finding out.
Knives Illustrated
If you thought that knives were just for cutting things then it could be time to think again. These useful kitchen implements can also form the basis of a satisfying and moderately healthy obsession. I mean hobby.
Fashion Doll
Anyone who likes to dress up creepy dolls in a sinister fashion outfit will be rushing to buy this weird magazine as fast as their legs can carry them. Sadly, it appears to be only a quarterly publication, so you will have a few sad, empty months in your life while you wait for the next edition.
Miniature Railway
I find it scarcely believable that any person of sound mind could fill a magazine with “52 pages of miniature railway content”. My mind is at least put at ease by the banner proclaiming it as the “UK’s action-packed miniature railway guide”. Here was me thinking that it might be just a little bit dull and lacking in action.
Portable Restroom Operator
It must be a lonely business operating a portable restroom. Sure, there’s the buzz of taking it to the latest destination and the thrill of seeing people from different cities poop in it but wouldn’t it be great if you could reach out and network with other portable restroom operators? This weird magazine promises very little to anyone who hasn’t built a career out of transporting toilets around. Which is just about every single person in the whole world, really.
Miniature Donkey Talk
Owning a miniature donkey used to be a hobby fraught with danger. It really was a step into the unknown, as you worried about what would happen if the little chap became obese, suffered from winter colic or even got a deadly cough. Even worse, what is the situation with regards to your liability for loose donkeys? It was almost enough to put you off the idea of buying a tiny donkey in the first place.
Bacon Busters
So, you not only like hunting hogs but you also like reading about other people hunting them, eh? Have you ever considered a new hobby? I hear that miniature railways offer a lot of pleasure and action.
Girls and Corpses
In the world of weird magazines you need to go a long way to beat Girls and Corpses. I chose one of the more subtle covers for you to peruse but I reckon that you get the idea.