Before discussing about Jurassic World, it is good to remind ourselves that Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece Jurassic Park was launched in 1993 and it was a great classic that made millions of people, from around the world and of all ages, to become more interested in dinosaurs. Ever since, movie industry and the show biz have come quite a long way. The films that followed it were genetically customized production of the same cinematic DNA that contains also the Jurassic World.
More than 6 years ago, we were hearing rumors about the fourth Jurassic film, even as the follow up’s plans disappeared away suddenly. Original movie’s director Steven Spielberg had this sequel in his schedule. Jurassic Park III movie director Joe Johnston had actual concepts about the direction in which the sequence had to go. The follow up, as we already know, lastly got fast-tracked in Jan 2013, when Universal Studio stated that the production for the new movie started. We originally predicted a 2014 time frame, but the company formally announced 2015 to be the launching year.
Steven Spielberg never wanted to make a return to the Jurassic franchise. When Joe Johnston was not interested to once again create a prehistoric thriller, the producers began looking for some well-deserving alternatives to these famous directors. They found Colin Trevorrow, a somehow newbie who made some rather unknown movies (to a certain extent) with the romantic film Safety Not Guaranteed. We say that it was “to a certain extent” due to the fact that, even his movie was acclaimed in the film-festival routines, it did not actually made Trevorrow into a big name. And Jurassic World really required some celebrities under its belt.
The assumption, the concept and the scenario of the storyline are almost the same and not many things have been modified, except for its awesome visual effects and a series of sub-plots to spice up the action. The big ‘Park’ has been transformed into a huge ‘World’, and even if the unique aspect of the dinosaurs is missing its initial attraction from more than 20 years ago, this movie that has been really taken to impressive scales to entice modern viewers, is occasionally interesting.
Owned by company magnate Simon Masrani and managed by Claire Dearing, the new Jurassic World – loaded with a wide range of alive or holographic dinosaurs – is a reservation and theme park located remotely on an isle off the shore of Costa Rica and it has been efficiently working for over several years.
The dip in earnings its owners bit more daring with the attractions presented in it and according to them, the recreation area needs some truly incredible monsters to attract more visitors.
It is all about offer and demand, people want them, so the analysis and group of specialists lead by Henry Wu, are regularly changing the genetics of the dinosaurs to produce new varieties. The newest fascinating specimen to be presented soon at this theme park is a “$26 million asset” – Indominus Rex, the improved version of the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex, a dinosaur that is now created in solitude.
The management’s avarice and the interested passions of various people, such as the army’s participation, is what results in undercurrents of suspense in the story. But the actual danger happens when the Indominus Rex runs away from its secured space and starts going on a killing spree, making the whole park with its tens of thousands of guests a catastrophe area.
The movie is formulaic and foreseeable in its framework. The initial third of the movie is lagging while developing the whole establishing for the nasty things yet to come. The narration accumulates strength when Claire Dearing’s nephews are tossed into an immediate risk when they get into Indominus Rex’s direction. The stress rises up occasionally during the evading and saving scenes. The impressive sets of action moments are outlandishly unusual and funny, but never terrifying and the suspense is dragged pointlessly.
Chris Pratt is the ever-daring Owen Grady, the ironic wrangler is sometimes enjoyable in his tirades. His natural funny one-liners offer a comedian sense to the scenes. He, together the other main characters involved in different dangerous situations from which it sometimes seems like they will never escape, provide a human feeling to an otherwise dry and stereotypic narration of the film.
Irrfan Khan is distributed in the popular part of Simon Masrani, an avid proprietor of the park. Even if he acts rather well, he is a more of a misfit in this role. His poor speech and a weak character do not underline the powerful man he is representing. Nor, with these roles, does he carry any interest value to his character.
Claire, played by Bryce Howard, is the manager of the large park, is plain in her part. Vic Hoskins (Vincent D’Onofrio) provides the same feeling to the viewers with his regular assessing of the dinosaurs for army advantages. These main characters, along with the other actors in it, are the common two-dimensional figures.
The film’s director, Colin Trevorrow, done an extensive job by completing this enormous venture that is similar to the original film. The graphics, such as CGI elements, VFX and 3D results are unbelievable and the music enhances the audience’s feeling of greatness.
Speaking of raptors, Mother Nature’s best killing devices just keep getting wiser. They have now discovered how to learn instructions, but only from a person with the right language for them. Owen Grady, the ironic, motorcycle-riding instructor, is something of a cold character himself. He serves as a great voice of reason, but less a central point of interest for the main female character: she, in the major part of a strained workaholic, usually spends most of the movie being put aside by her costar, so it really is no wonder why there is not chemistry between them.
A lot more than other movies from the series, Jurassic World remembers the unique sensations offered by some of the famous places of its famous forerunner, while insisting on that glorious music that comes along with it. But its director Colin Trevorrow simply cannot coordinate properly a major production, as Spielberg did with his grandiose blockbusters for summer time. Trevorrow’s arsenal of destruction, the dive-bombing army of pterodactyls; an extremely absurd but pleasing ending, is vibrant but never slightly scary. The movie seriously looks for the risks, white-knuckle enjoyment, raptors running around with no purpose or T. rex chasing people in the rainfall. For all these artistic callbacks, Jurassic World is today’s smash hit filling the box offices from all round the world.
While the original Jurassic Park efficiently combined animatronics with revolutionary (fro that time) CGI, the result being what still seems like the greatest special-effects film, this expensive sequel just puts a few new celebrities against a spinning green screen with an electronic destination. Technical developments aside, this movie looks to be a lot faker than its historical predecessor.
But, for the fans who simply want to remember the good old times when they were kids and live was much easier fro them, this represents a great opportunity to take now their own children to the cinema theaters and enjoy a couple of hours of beasts versus humans on a playing field.
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