So, What were you doing on Thanksgiving eve (November 24) 1971? Preparing for family dinner the next day with turkey or ham? Purchasing potatoes, yams, and corn? Baking pies? Well, if you were D.B. Cooper, you were in seat 18C on Northwest Airlines flight 305 from Portland, Oregon to Sea-Tac (Seattle-Tacoma) Airport preparing to extort $200,000 in twenty dollar bills and four parachutes by handing the flight attendant a letter saying you were armed with a bomb and you will blow up the plane if your needs aren’t met. He also ordered the rear door to be unlocked and the plane to fly low and at a slow speed.
D.B. Cooper, also known as Dan Cooper, was wearing a dark suit and dark sunglasses and was later called a “gentleman” by the flight attendant after the hijacking. At Sea-Tac Airport, he was granted his request and released all thirty six passengers and several flight crew. He told the pilot and the rest of the flight crew to fly to Mexico. They landed in Reno, Nevada with Cooper gone from the plane. He dropped from the passenger stairs into the Cascade Mountains of Washington state.
As the plane reached ten thousand feet with gusting winds and freezing rain driving into the boeing 727, Cooper, who was mistakenly called “D.B. Cooper” by reporters, leaped out of the plane and cemented his name in history. [Read more…]