We love funny selfies. After all, we’re only human. With the art of taking a picture of yourself and putting it on the internet now officially more popular than breathing, there are plenty of brilliant ones to choose from.
Holding the Cat Selfie
What is this crazy guy doing to his cat and why is he taking a picture of it? There are some places where you can safely hold a feline and there are parts you really shouldn’t touch. Ask your local vet for a demonstration if you still aren’t sure.
Under Pressure Selfie
You really have to admire this girl’s determination. It seems as though she ran on to the field of play in some sort of sporting event or maybe it was a concert. Even as she was being escorted away by security staff, she managed to grab a quick selfie. Stay classy girl.
Dog Selfie
Taking a funny selfie with your dog is a great idea. After all, when else are you going to spend a few minutes of quality time with the stupid, slobbering mutt?
Bathroom Selfie
Err, you do know that mirrors reflect stuff? And do you also know that this includes stuff other than you? Some of the funniest selfies around involved things being reflected in the shot that the self-obsessed person taking it who doesn’t even see. This picture is one of the most worthy entrants on any funny selfies list.
Supermarket Selfie
This is why going to the supermarket is a bad idea. Weird people go there. First of all, there are the ones who take selfies of themselves with their tongue hanging out in front of a pile of tins and stuff. Then there are the dudes who make rude gestures whenever they get the chance.
Sellotape Selfie
What the freak is going on here? Apparently, the sellotape selfie craze is now a thing. Apart from being potentially dangerous (God, I’m starting to sound like my Dad), it is also really rather silly. And a complete waste of good sellotape to boot.
Mirror Selfie
Now, this is one cool selfie. I’m surprised that more people haven’t seen the genius of this idea and tried it for themselves.
Feed the Dog Selfie
You know, there are some things in life more important than taking your 15th selfie of the day. Feeding the mutt isn’t one of them. Dogs of the world will probably unite and overthrow us as the master race if this selfie craze carries on for much longer. They used to be the center of our world but not anymore. Those poor things.
Missing Girlfriend Selfie
This guy wants us to believe that he is so much in demand that people go around forcibly taking pictures of him. Sadly for him and amusingly for us, the reflections on car windows rarely lie.
Sauce Selfie
What is this weird guy doing? Is that some sort of sauce he is pouring down his body? Has he mixed himself up with a popular dessert or does he think that this looks good? Is this something I should try in order to add an extra bit of spice into my life or will people just laugh at me?
Final Thoughts About Funny Selfies
The craze of taking a picture of yourself, otherwise known as selfies, has prompted some people to do ridiculous things. People with a sense of humor don’t have an issue with odd people taking pictures of themselves since it provides us with entertainment.
Those of you who can’t get enough of this stuff, you should check out more hilarious selfies here. To check out more of our funny articles, read Top Ten Funny Bible Verses That Should Make You Laugh.