Building a snowman is surpassed only by making snow angels and swallowing ice cubes in the long list of the best things you can with frozen water.
If you are planning on making a normal sort of snowman this year perhaps you need to check out some of the best and worst snowman ever made to help you make something a bit more interesting.
The Bloody Snowmen
What the hell is going on here? Unless I am horribly mistaken it appears as though a nasty horrible snowy chap is attacking another. What kind of twisted human being would make an awful thing like this?
The Dying Snowman
This poor guy is literally melting away. The good news is that my understanding is that snow chaps have immortal souls. This means that once he ends up as a muddy pool that dogs crap in his soul will float away and end up in a bunch of ice cubes or something.
The Cool Snowmen
Someone has put a lot of work into crafting these classy snowmen, haven`t they? They have done a fantastic job and it seems almost a shame that life in a slushy pool of goo is all that awaits such works of art.
The Rabbit Family Snowmen
I can`t work out this is the best snowman I ever saw or the worst. It appears to be a giant snowy rabbit with a family of little rabbits inside his or her open stomach. What could it all mean? Is it the end of civilization as we know it? If this monstrosity was sitting outside my house I think I would be praying for all day sunshine to wipe it out.
The Man Eating Snowman
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night all cold and clammy because of a terrible nightmare? Of course you have, because you are a bit of a wimpy scaredy cat just like me. Ah, but did that bad dream involve a semi melted snowy fellow with soul-less eyes chomping on you?
The Weight Lifting Snowman
The last image disturbed me rather more than it should have done. In fact, it got me thinking about what would happen if a race of man eating snowmen started scouring the Earth looking for tasty humans to eat. Then I saw this photo of a weight lifting snowman and I got even more scared. Jeez, they could pulverize us all with those bulging snowy and twiggy muscles.
The Army of Snowmen
Things just go from bad to worse. Now I will lay asleep in my bed all night with my eyes wide open, twitching and worrying about an army of muscle bound, man eating snowmen. All these years I`ve been worried about alien attacks when the snowmen are our real enemies.
The Bike Riding Snowman
At least we are back to more normal and less threatening things now. This happy snowman just wants to get out on the road for some exercise.
The Upside Down Snowman
This is probably the best snowman I have seen so far. He`s just chilling in the yard upside down, you know. This is a great look for a snowman and also makes me want to rush out and build one. I just need some snow now.