One of the most exciting TV series in a very long time is American Horror Story. The first three seasons gave us everything we could ever wish from a horror TV series. The first season called Murder House gave us chilling ghost stories, the second season called Asylum was set in a mental institution and was all about insane people; season three is called Coven and it dealt with witches and witchcraft. The much anticipated fourth season is American Horror Story Freak Show. The teasers and trailers look creepy as hell and we can’t wait for the premiere on October 8 on FX.
1. American Horror Story Freak Show Will Be Way Darker Than Coven
From what we’ve seen in the teasers and trailers, the new season of American Horror Story is much creepier and darker that the previous season, Coven. And that dealt with some pretty dark issues, like witches and witchcraft. The new season is called Freak Show and will take place in the 1950s in a circus/carnival. It will deal with plenty of, you know, freaks, like the Siamese girls, a super evil clown, the lady with a moustache and a three-breasted woman. If that’s not creepy enough, we don’t know what else is.
2. Jessica Lange is The Circus Mistress
We love Jessica Lange. She’s such a talented and beautiful actress and her roles in American Horror Story so far have been brilliant. In the new season she plays the role of Elsa Mars, a former cabaret performer who owns the circus where Freak Show is set. Jessica Lange said about her character that she’s manipulative and at the same time cares for her “freak” performers.
3. Sarah Paulson as the Siamese Twins
When we first saw one of the teasers of American Horror Story Freak Show it really freaked us out to see the amazing Sarah Paulson and her other…head. That’s right, Sarah will play two characters in one body: Bette and Dot. Sarah’s character can really be called a true freak.
4. Kathy Bates is the Bearded Woman
Kathy Bates never disappoints. We loved her in Stephen King’s Misery and we love her in American Horror Story. In the fourth season, Kathy will play Ethel, the bearded woman, who used to be a circus star in the 30s and now is Elsa’s right hand. Ethel became a drunk after having a baby and Elsa saved her life, the creator of the series told the press. We’re dying to see more of her character and the background story in the new season of American Horror Story Freak Show.
5. Angela Basset is the Three Breasted Woman
Have you seen the pictures of Angela Basset as the three-breasted woman? She reminds us of the character from the original Total Recall, remember? Angela will play Desiree Dupree in the upcoming season of American Horror Story called Freak Show and she will wear a prosthetic third breast on her chest.
6. John Caroll Lynch is Twisty the Clown
One of the most terrifying teaser of American Horror Story Freak Show is the one where that extremely creepy clown appears. It will be played by actor John Caroll Lynch who said that some of the scenes in which he plays the clown were so scary that a third of the filming crew left the set because they were really freaked out. Twisty the clown is an evil and murderous clown from what we’ve heard and we’re certain he will give us nightmares but we can’t wait to see it.
What do you think about American Horror Story Freak Show so far? Are you dying to see it?