by Will Conley
Sex sells. You knew that. But did you know sex sells political candidates? I bet you didn’t.
Wait, what am I saying? You’re a This Blog Rules reader. And as a horndawg or hussy, which you are, you are always thinking about sex and therefore have probably already had the thought that sex can sell anything. In fact, I do believe I once wrote an article or two in these esteemed annals about certain historical librarians of prodigiously sizable metaphorical nads; and the only words your eyes can physically see in this sentence are “annals” and “nads.”
But enough about your depravities, lets talk about sexy, sexual political ads from around the world. Sex and politics are like two peas in a pod, screwing.

Wait, who are you? No, don’t tell us. We don’t want to know. >:D
The link between sex appeal and politics started in the year 36,000 BCE, when Og Johnson flirted his way to the top of a Cro-Magnon clan using such underhanded power grab maneuvers as slathering himself with mud in front of the Council of Fertile Mothers. This eventually led to a long and boring debate about the role of mud in politics, resulting in the Campaign Mud Dance Reform bill of 35,890 BCE. A few other things happened, and then Barack Obama was the President of the United States.
One thing that contributed to Obama’s victory was a few thousand women with a crush. A sexy crush… [Read more…]