What does your choice of drink say about you? According to CollegeHumor, a choice of drink can say a whole lot, and can completely change another person’s perception of you. One particular drink will make you look chilled, another desperate, and another like a sissy girl. In a new post, the comedy site comically guides us through the different social stigmas attached to a whole fridge-ful of different alcoholic beverages, and some non-alcoholic ones too – so, dear reader, what does your choice of drink say about you? [Read more…]
The Five Worst Kinds of Pickup Lines
Pickup lines, as a rule, generally suck. Everyone knows one when they hear one, and a lot of times are not impressed by them. Even at their best, pickup lines are tacky and silly sounding, and even those are a rarity.
I have noticed, though, that pickup lines can be sorted into groups, based on what kind of awful person they make you look like. First impressions are everything, and since all this person knows about you is that you just tried to hit on them by hitting them with a snappy one liner, it’s going to force them to draw some conclusions about your everyday demeanor. For simplicity’s sake, the situations described are based on a man trying to hit on a woman, since this appears to be the most common scenario. [Read more…]
6 Really Famous Drunks
One of the rules of thumb of my life has always been, if you are still getting plastered after college, you have a major problem. And, you’ll probably amount to nothing whatsoever in life. After all, most people’s ‘growth process’ typically involves bonging beers in college and spending the next day puking in bed. But if you’re still doing it after college….loserville. Right?
Well, what do I know? There have been many people throughout history who managed to become very well known despite being complete drunkards. Some of them even managed to become highly successful despite their addiction. Below are some of the most well known booze hounds.
6.) Ulysses S. Grant – 18th President of the United States
Grant was one of the top Union generals during the Civil War, serving with great distinction at the Battles of Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga. [Read more…]
The Ten Most Torturous Drinking Games
We here at TBR do not endorse drinking games because of the pain they cause. Spilling beer is a tragic, terrible thing and should be properly mourned.
Also, getting blackout drunk is really freaking stupid. Seriously. If you’re lucky, you wake up naked covered in magic marker. If you’re unlucky, you get taken to the hospital to experience the joys of having a tube rammed down your throat to suck out the contents of your stomach. It’s less fun than it sounds.
So, drink responsibly. Or practice before playing these ten lesser-known drinking games. [Read more…]
What Is the Most Potent Alcoholic Drink? 7 Options Worldwide
So this goes guy goes up to the bar, slams his fist down on the countertop and says in a gruff tone “give me the strongest shit you got…and make it double!!”. We’ve all seen this scene played out in movies but have you ever thought “the strongest shit you’ve got” is really a very relative statement and would really depend on where in the world “this bar” is located? Every country, state, region or culture has their own favorite “mother of all cures” or most potent alcoholic drink to drown one’s sorrows, bond over, party with, have a meaningless conversation over and then develop a hangover with the next morning. What you get at the local bar or liquor store as the most alcoholic or potent drink poured up for you depends on where you are.
Here are some of the suggestions for the most potent alcoholic drink options from all around the globe:
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