In this week’s around the web feature (or featurette, if you want to get technical), the esteemed TBR staff hopped on a steamship and traveled to the island of Tripania, where monkeys put on little barber hats and give haircuts to other animals. But don’t just take my word for it (yes, I called in Levar Burton for a moment), have a look at the little monkeys in action. The staff also had some fun sitting in a bear chair, and they grabbed some goobers and laughed heartily at Craig’s List Missed Connections artwork. Check out even more links down below:
Monkeys Grooming other Animals via Environmental Graffiti
A Big Old Bear Chair via Bizarre Bytes
11 Tricks and Cliches that have been Constant through Video Game History via 11 Points
I wish I was Al Bundy via Think Nice
Free Seating at a Baseball Game (Parent Fail to the extreme) via My Bad Parent
Missed Connections Artwork via Digital Bus Stop
So, what do you think? Would you like a bear chair in your home? If you ask me, I think furniture like bear chairs belong in Twilight Zone episodes, not in reality.
By Eddie Hatters, TBR Chancellor