It’s safe to say that every fan of the Assassins Creed franchise was excited to hear the news of their favorite story being brought on to the big screen. The potential is tremendous regarding the world Ubisoft has created, and it could certainly make for a spectacular blockbuster. However, while we wait excitedly for December and the movie’s release, we look at games-turned-to-movies track record, and we might find ourselves worrying.
Generally, there are low expectations for this types of flicks, but one of them is bound to break that and turn out to be actually good. We have Warcraft coming first this summer, and if it fails, we still have the upcoming Assassins Creed movie coming up in December. For fans of the series or those at least familiar with the world, here are 8 things you might recognize in the Assassins Creed movie and what to expect from them. Who knows? Maybe it will be good.
Keep in mind that the development process started out in 2011 and it’s starring Michael Fassbender. So, it has had time to create a well thought-out story and has gained the attention of a recognized good actor. Perhaps the thought that we will not be seeing the story of Altair, beloved Ezio or troublemaking Edward will be worth it.
1. Past And Present Flashbacks

Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox
If you’re a fan of the game, you knew this was coming. The story itself will be centered around Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) and his ancestor, Aguilar de Nerha, a 15th-century Spanish assassin. So, expect going back and forth between the time spent in the Animus and hopping around the beautiful landscape of old Spain.
2. Avian Theme
Starting with the Eagle Eye view and many other meaningful names among the assassins, the movie will be keeping well in trend. The protagonist’s name “Callum” is a masculine form of “dove” in Gaelic, and his ancestor’s “Aguilar” is a Spanish surname meaning “place of eagles”. It’s a small touch, but it’s a nice detail to notice that the writers actually remained in the franchise’s theme with avian names.
3. A Connection of Past and Future Talents

Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox
The premise of the story is a little different from the Assassins Creed games. They are not looking for an ancient artifact that might save the world and perusing through memories for its location. That was the main driver for most of the world’s heroes. However, Callum Lynch will be placed into the Animus, so he could learn how to be an assassin from his ancestor. That means that everything he leans in 15th century Spain will help him in the modern day.
And, as we all know, Desmond did certainly learn a lot while diving deep into the memories of skillful and wise Altair or the talented Ezio.
4. Actor-Director Chemistry
It’s important to have a good relation between the main actor and the film’s director, as well as the writers. There is good news. Michael Fassbender reportedly accepted the role on the spot, even though nothing else was decided. No director, no script, no anything. It shows Fassbender’s passion for the world and the fact that the series’ big brand name holds a lot of weight.
Furthermore, Fassbender will be working alongside director Justin Kurzel. The two have already worked together on the recent cinematographic take of Shakespeare’s “MacBeth”.
5. Gorgeous Scenery
If we’re looking at Assassins Creed games, they have always offered us a series of beautiful sights, immersing us into old cities we never got a true chance to see. Ranging from Italy to spectacularly detailed Paris, and the amazing Caribbean, we have been transported into these worlds and watched in awe as we perched on buildings to uncover the map. The movie will likely follow in its path.
Cinematographer Adam Arkapaw has been given the job for the Assassins Creed movie, and he has proven his prowess through HBO’s hit series “True Detective”. If he can bring the same gritty and dark imagery, we could be in for a gorgeous film.
6. Big Action and On-Spot Locations

Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox
The movie’s budget is estimated to be between $150 and $200 million, so we could be getting the historically accurate and spectacular sights that the games have managed to depict. While Ubisoft had done the cites on a lower scale, the movie could certainly improve the presentation. They do not need to create a “map”, so their attention could be spent on even more details.
So far, they have three filming locations confirmed: Malta, Spain, and London.
7. Historical Figures
If you’ve ever aced a history question because you played Assassins Creed, raise your hand. The games have been educational to a certain degree in terms of historical events. Some were certainly fictional, but others were surprisingly accurate. What’s more important is that we’ve loved meeting major personalities such as Leonardo da Vinci or Benjamin Franklin. The movie will be treating us with the same, so expect a few names you might recognize.
8. Familiar Faces
That’s right, the writers were few, but they were carefully chosen. According to the studio, they did not pick an entire team of many script writers who would each have their own input. Instead, they picked a small group of talented three, along with Fassbender’s input, who created the movie’s plot. The reason? They chose writers who were passionate and loyal to the world, and it will be paying off.
According to statements, while we won’t be seeing Fassbender step into the shoes of favorite assassins, we will see some faces we might recognize from the game. A little fan service never hurt anyone.
The Assassins Creed movie will premiere this year, on December 21st, 2016, so keep an eye out come the end of the year.
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