Fashion trends are sometimes magnificent ways of expressing yourself and at the same time an institutionalized way of communication. When it comes to shoes, most women fantasize about different shapes and colors as particularly expressing their unique personality. But what is the limit of fashion when it comes to shoes? None, as we can see below with 10 awesome and sometimes scary statement shoes we could find for you.
1. Inside-Out Shoes
With this Sveta Kletina pair, you can be sure you will be an elegant and somehow weird attraction, because these shoes look like they have a life of their own, unfolding right before your eyes. They might as well yell: “Hey, look at this sexy feet”.
2. Folded Paper Shoes
This pair is totally fabulous when your intention is to avoid being labeled as “trying to hard”, because with these you might as well look normcore, out of your unaffected attitude. And we bet you can’t easily find them owned by someone else, so any awkward situation would be gracefully avoided. And if you want to be even cooler, they are for unisex use.
3. Gold Digger Shoes
Although this might sound like a good idea and it’s certainly funny and visually nice to see some gold-ish miniature sculptures covering your toes, you should be aware of your Marxist friends who could be less amused about walking over some honest working man. Give them a try though; you could look like a sexy wealthy lady with servants at her feet.
4. Teeth Shoes
Imagine you need to be classy and unconventional at the same time. This pair with creepy teeth is right what you need: the comfortable fashion safety of the upper part together with the devilish look of the lower part. And you never know when you might need to dig in your garden to plant some seeds for your future little farm. We know, it’s funny, but if this doesn’t work, wear them at the next Halloween party.
5. Punk Shoes
Does your outfit need a strong statement item to show you are a though girl? These punk shoes could add a twist to your look, just don’t try to over enthusiastically style your hair the same way, one body part covered with that weirdly shaped comb might be enough.
6. Virgin Mary Shoes
These 3D printed pair somehow resembles a walk into a museum with old sculptures, but their atypical form might be the perfect way to impress your audience with a combination of bourgeoisie sophistication mixed with high tech innovations, just enough to send the right message. Make sure your mother doesn’t think they are two beautiful vases to be filled up with unnecessary items like flowers or two china items to expose. Although it wouldn’t be that bad, would it?
7. Drunk Heels Shoes
Sometimes fashion industry really helps us feeling special with some small, uncomfortable-to-watch changes in a shoe design. These heels can’t seem to find their place, but they are mischievously placed to impress your gazer with your stylish nonconformity.
8. Creepy Bubbles Shoes
If you’re on a tight budget, don’t go too far with your imagination, just choose this pair of transparent plastic shoes that look so much like an invisible eczema on your skin. They are probably cheap and from a distance you might look like you’re walking with your bare feet, but how cool is that you don’t have to struggle to match their color with your clothes?
9. Fairytale Shoes
They are nice because they do look like they got out straight from a princess story, but isn’t the way you think you might crash that little guy holding your foot kind of creepy? This is our choice for a fair amount of creepiness, but not that much so as to scare any human being near you.
10. Grabbing Fingers Shoes
Yes, we would very much like these were real shoes, but they are a kind of terrifying and colorful sculpture instead. But the very thought of wearing them make you look like a really approachable and warm person. Also a morbid one. They would make one fine pair of statement shoes.
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